2357 Development Group Inc.is SEEKING Info on Community Groups NOW!
If you are part of a community or sporting organisation in town we are keen to support and grow your membership... Please get someone in your organisation to complete this form so we can help you promote what you do!
Thanks to those groups who have already entered in their details!
We are currently focused on checking updating all the details below.
If you see info that needs updating please update via the form link above or contact our Community Development Coordinator Vivian via 0429 424 335 or email 2357CDC@gmail.com
Creatives Collective ARI Inc.
Artists with disability art group
Meet Fridays 11am
Coonabarabran Town Hall - John Street Coonabarabran
An informal group of potential authors - whether fiction or non fiction. Do join us for relaxed support, discussions, bouncing ideas and giving feedback.
2pm Last Thursday of the month (Next meeting February 2019)
Coonabarabran Library, John Street
Monica M Barker

Wambelong Spinners & Weavers
Wambelong Spinners and weavers is an initiative of Coonabarabran Arts Council. It came into being after the 2013 Wambelong fire, in response to the losses of many women crafters. The group has a wide range of equipment and textiles skills to share. As well as spinning, and weaving in its many forms, you might be interested in feltmaking, dyeing, basketmaking, knitting and crochet, Japanese braiding. The group has young mums to grandmothers, even the rare bloke, beginners to long-time practitioners.
Company, conversation and a guarantee to get you making.
What would you like to learn or share? Its up to you!
Term Time Mondays 10am -3pm
Flix Theatre Community Services Building John Street Coonabarabran (Opposite Golden Sea Dragon Restaurant
68 421 168