NEXT Meat Taste Testing Fund Raiser 23rd November
Community Groups please contact our Community Development
Coordinator if you wish to participate
The 2357 Development Group is focused on Connecting Community and Making a Difference. One way the team does that is through supporting funding coming into the Coonabarabran community through grants and fundraising opportunities.
Meat tasting Market Research through a team from the University of New England is a regular fund raising event that 2357DG coordinates in partnership with not for profit community groups.
With 60 people from the community coming into the Town Hall for just one hour and tasting 7 samples of beef/lamb and giving their opinion on flavour, tenderness and moistness for market research. For that donation of time $2,400 can come into our community.
This will be divided between 3 community groups who help recruit 120 people to participate.
The 2357DG coordinates these events through the University of New England Market Research Team, Warrumbungle Shire Council for the venue and volunteer coordinators of various groups participating and we are organising our next event for Thursday 23rd November 2023.
Community groups are welcome to contact Community Development Coordinator, Vivian Evans, if you would like to find out how to participate in the future or would like support in applying for grants.
Over the past 5 years the 2357 Development Group (previously known as 2357 Partnerships) have supported and worked in collaboration with a broad range of not for profit community groups and secured $40,000 coming into the Coonabarabran Community through these fundraising events.
2357DG would certainly like to help more groups in their endeavour to make a positive difference and thank the broader community for their support.